Child Custody and Visitation Investigations
Nothing could be more devastating than the thought of losing your child in a custody battle. Ideally, children would be blessed with two loving parents who provide safe, healthy, loving and stable homes, but this is not always the case. Under these circumstances, the child or children should remain in the custody of the more qualified parent. If the parents are unable to reach an agreement as to whom that is, the court will decide custody matters based on what is in the “best Interest” of the child. However, with divorce proceedings on the rise, millions of children are trapped in legal battles the court system is ill-equipped to handle. As a result, children are being subjected to visitation or habitation with unfit parents at an equally alarming rate. Child Custody/Visitation Investigations are undertaken to determine if the “Other” Parent is treating your child properly, ensuring their safety and protecting them from improper or dangerous environments or situations. In other words, are they fit and qualified for custody or visitation. There are many factors the court will consider when making custodial decisions, they include:
Often times, an unfit parent will present themselves as a competent person when appearing before the court, cleverly concealing their unsuitable lifestyle. Typically under these circumstances, parental testimony is not enough to ensure the placement of your child in your custody. In a custody battle, it is your responsibility to provide proof of your allegations. For this reason, a qualified private investigator can be essential. A licensed private investigator’s findings, objective courtroom testimony and video documentation will always have more credence in court than a parent’s accusations. We Can Help You Help Your Child. Wilcox & Associates can discover and document undesirable behavior like reckless driving, criminal activity, alcoholism, drugs, gambling, physical abuse, neglect, parental alienation, or other conduct that may affect a child’s welfare. Unfortunately, parents may fight for the custody of their child simply to hurt the other parent. In many cases, the parent seeking full custody doesn't have the time or the desire to take care of the child full time. A Child Custody Investigation can document the lack of time being spent with the child and that evidence can be presented in court to prove your case. Our Services include:
Surveillance Surveillance is an effective technique to gather evidence of your child’s living conditions and treatment, and to identify any third party persons with whom they are coming in contact. Our Child Custody Investigations include surveillance of the activities of the parent, the parent’s love interests and friends, the baby sitter or nanny, and all other’s whom have access to your child while in their care. Any mistreatment or neglect a Child Custody Investigator witnesses can be documented or videotaped. This, along with other evidence they may gather, can suggest whether or not your child is being treated well and provide convincing evidence of abuse or neglect that can be presented to support your legal case. If necessary, our Private Investigator can testify in court. Our company conducts surveillance operations in a private and noninvasive manner. We do this by employing covert Surveillance techniques. Although brief investigations can illuminate mistreatment, extensive surveillance is often required to establish a pattern of abuse, neglect or unwarranted behavior on a consistent basis. Witness Statements A Wilcox & Associate's Private Investigator can also collect witness statements and obtain additional information from an activity check conducted for the court. These interviews are designed to expose facts that can strengthen your position in your legal battle. During the course of a Child Custody or Visitation Investigation we may Interview:
Background Checks A thorough background investigation into any persons of interest interacting with your child and into the past of the “Other” Custodial Parent and is highly recommended. Unearthing pre-marriage or relationship history of your ex and the undesirable or illegal activities of their acquaintances can often reveal previously unknown disturbing facts that could be used to further build your case. Although the purpose of our Background Investigation is to reveal the truth and we do not make recommendations to the court, our evidence speaks volumes and we can present it in court in a professional, easy to understand manner when appropriate. Our reports are court admissible and applicable to dispute the claims of court ordered evaluations. Our Child Custody Investigators understand the need to treat these situations with the gravity and compassion they deserve. We can work with attorneys, courts, law enforcement investigators and custodial parents to ensure the welfare of your child’s safety and well being. Wilcox & Associates believes the most qualified parent or caregiver is the “right” parent and supports the rights of fathers, mothers and grand parents. All investigative services are conducted in strict confidence by trained licensed private investigators. Child Support Investigations and Child Support Disputes Children have the right to be supported by both parents. The responsibility for parents to continue to provide for their child does not end when the marriage or relationship does. Equally, the financial support your child requires does not change simply because one parent decides to quit paying. Too often in divorce battles, emotions run high and a child is unfairly used as a bargaining chip. The happiness and best interests of the child are lost to parental selfishness and the desire for either parent to hurt the other. Give your child the life they deserve. Our support Investigator understands that your child’s future well being can depend on whether or not your family receives the money it is entitled to. We will use every means accessible to us by law to assist you in the recovery of unpaid Court ordered child support or to establish the legitimate level of their ability to pay. Past due and Current Child Support Enforcement. Collecting money from delinquent parents can be exhausting, emotional, and in some circumstances dangerous. Wilcox & Associates Child Support Investigator can gather the evidence the court needs to force payment. When the Courts Fail, We can help. Those who depend on the government alone for collection assistance, oftentimes, wait years to see progress on their case. Government agencies are overworked, understaffed and under trained. Frighteningly, the government fails to collect an astounding $106 BILLION (2006) annually in passed due child support. A Wilcox & Associate's Child Support Investigator is infinitely better equipped than the government to gather the evidence needed build a case and compel immediate collection of past due and current support payments. Our Child Support Investigator can help locate these absentee parents, find out where and how they live, if and where they work and determine what, if any, assets they may have. Establishing a Child and/or Medical Support Order. Unfortunately more often than not, one spouse will make secret preparations before a divorce. This can include hiding assets, lying about employment and other disingenuous moves to preclude you and your child from getting the support you need. Our Child Support Investigators can search for hidden assets, verify their current job situation and document their current level of lifestyle to determine the non-custodial parent’s ability to pay support. Conversely, the Custodial Parent may try to present themselves as being financially weaker than they actually are to falsely inflate the payments they receive. These Child Support Investigations are conducted using identical techniques and the evidence can be presented in court to illuminate their untruths and minimization's. It is always easier to establish the accurate and deserved level of support during the settlement portion of the divorce than to modify after. Child and/or Medical Support Modification. If you suspect that the award of the court ordered child support did not accurately reflect the other parent’s ability to pay, or that the financial circumstances of that parent have changed for the better, a Wilcox & Associate's Child Support Investigator can gather evidence of lifestyle, income, and assets that you can present to the court as evidence to substantiate your claim. Spousal Support Order in Conjunction with a Child Support Order. Our Child Support Investigations and techniques can prove equally valuable for establishing and collecting past due Spousal Support. Our Services include: Each situation requires a different plan of action, however, whether you need to secure evidence for enforcement and/or prosecution, prove the level of ability to provide, or require proof of increased ability to pay, our expert Child Support Investigators can help you decide the most effective use of services to collect the evidence you need. Courtroom testimony can also be provided when appropriate.
All investigations are conducted in strict confidence by trained licensed private investigators |